I know I've been absent here. I've kind of had the blog on hiatus while we were dealing with selling the house, and while we're still dealing with that, this seems like a good time to update.
So here's what's been happening since my last post. Both of our families came together on a couple of days to help with the final push getting our house to market. And they (and we) worked HARD! And we got it all finished. A few days later a very sweet photographer showed up to take listing photos, and
we went live a few days later on May 2.

We started getting showings right away, 5 in the first couple of days. And though it eventually slowed down some, it's been very steady. But we've not found the right buyer yet. And the contingency contract we signed on the home we wanted to buy ran out 6 days ago. We contacted the home owners, and they agreed to renew if we wanted, but we wanted to go see the home again. So we went to see it 3 days ago, and we noticed a few things that hadn't really stood out to us before. We still love the home, but basically there are too many things that would need to be taken care of as soon as we move in for us to be able to afford with the combination of their asking price and the profit we're likely to get from selling our current home. So after much prayer and discussion, we opted not to renew our contract with them. And we've not ruled it out completely, but there are a few things that would have to change if we do buy it. And of course it may sell before ours does, so we're just trusting God to work things according to His plan.
So anyway, here are a few pics of our current home. You know, if you're in the market.
The Kitchen. We painted the cabinets white a few months ago, and I couldn't believe how much it brightened up the whole space.
That pantry cabinet holds a TON.
That hallways leads down to a bathroom and two bedrooms, plus a linen closet. And that door you see just down the hall is a pretty roomy under-stairs storage closet.
The Living Room. First of all, I feel that I should point out that the stuffed fish, deer head, and ducks on the walls are not actually part of the building structure. This might seem obvious, but we did in fact have one viewer that left feedback that they didn't like the house because of the taxidermy. Those are, uh, ours. Fear not, they will be moving with us.
I realize that the couches and chair we chose are a maybe bit large for the room, but frankly we spend most of our time in this room, and it's nice with a family of 5 to have space to comfortably seat 8 so that we can all sit with some space around us. Assuming I can untangle Sawyer from my hair and get Lily off my shoulder.
The Downstairs Bedrooms.
Bonus picture of Sawyer helping paint before the new carpet went in.
When we just had Taylor, this one was our family room/den. It's very roomy.
The Downstairs Bath. I hate trying to get pictures of bathrooms, don't you? Anyway, it's a full bath.
The Master Bedroom. This is where all the magic happens.*
I can't quit staring at my crooked bedspread. What happened? Anyway, lots of room and his and hers closets.
The En Suite Bathroom. Also a full bath.
The Great Outdoors. This deck has a fresh paint job here. And by fresh paint job, I mean we decided the night before the photographer came to go ahead and paint it, and we did much of this by...flashlight. Fortunately it proved quite passable by the light of day.
The Back Yard.
One last shot of the outside. The roof is 3 years old, and the HVAC unit with air purifier is 5 years old.
If you or anyone you know in the area is interested in a great starter home in a quiet older neighborhood, please feel free to contact our Realtor using the form on the
listing page.
So anyway, that's la casa. Meanwhile, we're still planning and praying (but praying more than planning). The really excellent news is that all this waiting and showing is getting the whole family in excellent practice for keeping a neat and tidy house, and with so much of our stuff in storage, we're really finding out just how much we can live without. Except for my craft stuff. I need all of that. All of it.
*I just ruined this post, and possibly this whole blog for my mom. Sorry, Mom. Mystery of the grandkids revealed.